Am I pretty or ugly?

Have you seen one of the last trends on Youtube where young girls show their doubts about their beauty? Where does this come from?  How much is their responsibility and how much is our responsibility? You can read what I found out in the article called Am I pretty or ugly under Publications.

Gamla mönster!

Now I have posted an article that Maria Honak and Me wrote last November. It is called Gamla Mönster!, what in Swedish means Old patterns. It compares the different understandings of gender and gender equality according to six different professionals. Once more, it is only in Swedish, but soon comes the Spanish and English version!

När jag klättrar är jag en klättrare

Hello! Last October me and Maria Honak wrote an article called När jag klättrar är jag klättrare about identity and about how to understand us in a specific situation through different pedagogical perspectives (toleranspedagogik, kompensatoriskpedagogik and normkrisikpedagogik/rosapedagogik).  This time the article is in Swedish, but English and Spanish version are coming soon!